Trevians Fastpitch Sponsorships
Your support helps keep the cost of our program attractive for the girls ages 10-18 who participate each year.
Revenue to support Trevians Fastpitch comes from three major sources: registration fees, sponsors and fundraisers. Please consider helping this community program by becoming a sponsor for the current 2024 season. We are a non-profit 501 (c3) and your sponsorship costs may be tax deductible.
Please contact our sponsorships coordinator at treviansfp @ gmail . com with any questions or to discuss further.
Trevians Fastpitch was established in 1980 to provide a top quality softball program for girls ages 10-18 in New Trier Township (serving Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, and Glencoe, plus portions of Glenview and Northfield). We are a non-profit organization run primarily by parent volunteers. Through participation in the Trevian program, players learn responsibility, hard work, teamwork and how these things add up to group success.

Please see video for an introduction to the Trevians Fastpitch program from our former Executive Director, Kelsey Farmer.
Home Run Sponsorship - $400
Grand Slam Sponsorship - $750
•Recognition plaque – ‘Proud supporter of Trevians Girls Softball Association (TGSA)
•Window decal
•Logo recognition with company link on Trevians website
•One (1) “Sponsor Highlight” email blast to Trevians-owned database
•Company logo on banner displayed at Trevians sanctioned events (e.g. tournament, parades, etc.)
•Recognition plaque – ‘Proud supporter of Trevians Girls Softball Association (TGSA)
•Window decal
•Prominent logo recognition with company link on Trevians website
•Two (2) “Sponsor Highlight” email blasts to Trevians-owned database
•Company logo on banner displayed at Trevians sanctioned events (e.g. tournament, parades, etc.)
•Presenting sponsor of end-of-season award (e.g. Sportsmanship Award) with website recognition
•One (1) post on each Trevians social handles (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
•Sponsor highlight section in Trevians newsletter
Trevian Girls Softball Association teaches juniors to 18U girls basic, intermediate and advanced softball skills, which they are able to practice in league play and competitive tournaments.